Voluntary Self-Regulatory
We operate a voluntary self-regulatory system as statutory regulation is recommended in therapies where there is a higher possible risk to the public from poor practice, such as cosmetic surgery. Our treatment method is computer controlled so there is no margin for poor practice, in addition the treatment process is non-invasive and requires no physical contact except when attaching/detaching the wrist bands. Therapists explain the treatment process and answer any questions in relation to the treatment process, their presence is not required during the treatment process nor will it affect the overall outcome or result.
Clients can expect ethical and practical standards in their treatment.
- We will not disclose personal details about clients unless required to do so under statutory authority or at the request of a legal authority or in the event the client wishes us to discuss their treatment with family members or friends.
- No client should be given treatment without their prior consent been given in present or past tense, for further treatment sessions, if and when required.
- No treatment should be given without first agreeing on terms and the fees being charged.
- When a client makes an appointment for treatment it is on the basis they agree to our terms and conditions of treatment, if not, they should seek treatment help elsewhere.
- No promise or statements insinuating or implying that people can be cured or returned to full health will be made at any time.
- Details of client’s medical condition, history, current medication and treatment, along with treatment, progress and notes, particularly if an incident occurs, will be written down for reference.
- Head office staff members maintain and improve their expertise in order to work safely and competently and adopt a Kiazen approach to treatment performance.
- Staff members are aware of the possible dangers of working alone with clients of the same or opposite sex and so some of our clinics have CCTV in operation.
- In cases where a client is in dispute with the clinic, the matter will be placed before a senior member of the business for assessment and resolution. If a satisfactory decision cannot be reached then the client has the option or redress through common law.
- We do not have a refund policy as any treatment has an element of risk and we do not underwrite that risk.
- We will seek to treat clients regardless of their ethnic origins or religion.
- We will not treat people who we think are not suitable for our treatment process.
- We do not tolerate any abuse, either verbal or physical.
- We retain the right to post-pone, reappoint or terminate treatment.