Complementary Treatment Centres

Our unique detox technology is available to expand into a global network. You can operate from any location in the world (subject to local laws).

Established in 2005 we have helped over 10,000 clients to stop smoking, stop drinking or stop using drugs. Each treatment takes 2, 3 or 4 hours with clients needing from one to ten treatment sessions. Stop smoking treatments take one or two hours.

Over the last 17 years we have also received more client recommendations and testimonials than any other treatment centre in the U.K. due to our excellent patient outcomes.

The cost to society for alcohol and drugs in England alone is £36.4bn per annum. Worldwide addictions to nicotine, alcohol and drugs are a growing problem and our range of unique treatments provide a drug-free, fast, effective treatment to help overcome these problems.

U.K. partners will benefit from our centralised client booking service in addition to your own local marketing. No previous experience is required as full training, support and detox equipment is included and you can trade from any town or City.

We are looking for partners to join our global network to bring successful treatment to everyone who needs it.

Treatment Help to:

  • Stop Drinking
  • Stop Cocaine use
  • Stop Drug Use
  • Stop Smoking
  • Stop Cannabis
  • Stop Prescription Drugs

Partner Support includes:

  • Full Practical Training
  • Client Booking Service (U.K.)
  • Unique Substance Database
  • Detox Equipment & Computer Package
  • Ongoing Support
  • Low Start-up Cost
  • High Patient Satisfaction
  • Cost-Effective Treatment

Enquiry: Please complete your details below:


The USA is currently in the grips of a drug epidemic, we would like to Partner with companies in the US to provide our treatment services, please contact us to find out more.

Every Country can benefit from our detox treatments.

Our treatment technology is also available for acquisition, please complete the form for more details.