NHS & British Economy

Our goal is simple, by introducing better treatments huge financial savings can be made with better patient outcomes, a win-win.

The total cost to society for drug and alcohol misuse in England is £36.4bn per annum.

Addiction is Not a Disease
Why the Disease Definition of Addiction Does Far More Harm Than Good.  Over the past year and a half, Scientific American has published a number of fine articles arguing that addiction is not a disease, that drugs are not the cause of addiction, and that social and societal factors are fundamental contributors to opioid addiction in general and the overdose crisis in particular. The dominant view, that addiction is a disease resulting from drug use, is gradually being eroded by these and other incisive critiques.

Drug & Alcohol Problem
Current treatments to help people with drug and alcohol issues do not work as the problems have escalated over the last 30 years but at the same time this has had a massive impact on the British economy, costing billions of pounds every year.

Our successful approach to help people stop drinking, stop using cocaine or opiate drugs can be incorporated into the NHS to provide patients with the extra help they need and save the British economy £billions per annum.

Our treatment is a global solution which can then be exported around the world to help people with addiction problems.

Prescribe Any Treatment
The Department of Health state: “Doctors can use their clinical judgment to prescribe any treatment that will benefit their patient, even if it is outside its licensed indication and that an absence of NICE guidance is not an acceptable reason to refuse funding treatment’.

Directors of Public Health (DPH) are responsible for delivering public health outcomes in their local area and will control the bulk of drug and alcohol funding and will oversee a department or directorate that will be responsible for delivering the outcomes from the local Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

  • Stop Drug Use
  • Stop Drinking
  • Stop Smoking
  • Effective Harm Reduction

New Out-Patient Detox Service
Our detox technology makes it possible to significantly reduce costs and improve patient outcomes at the same time. The equipment is computer controlled and easy to operate and administer to run your own out-patient treatment centres.

Our treatment makes it possible to detox and help patients using any substance including: heroin, methadone, crack, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, pharma medication, legal highs and improve physical & mental health hence why our clients feel so much better during/after treatment.

‘In short I’ve tried nearly every formal treatment for heroin detox nothing had worked. The reason is clear all the failed attempts were because I felt worse after the detox than before starting it. In this respect this treatment is different, I feel great’. YB

Treatments take 1 hour or 4 hours with patients needing between one to ten sessions depending on their substance and quantity used.

Treatment Package:

  • Full On-Site Training
  • Detox Equipment Package
  • Ongoing Support
  • Unique Treatment Programs
  • Real Results

Treatment Benefits:

  • High Patient Satisfaction
  • Better Patient Outcomes
  • Unlimited Database Usage
  • Fixed Weekly License Cost
  • Substantial Savings

The cost to society of Drugs and Alcohol is £36.4bn per annum.

Alcohol & Drugs Prevention, Treatment and Recovery: Why Invest?

Source: Public Health England Some Alcohol Facts
9 million adults drink at levels that increase the risk of harm to their health, 1.6 million adults show some signs of alcohol dependence. Alcohol is the third biggest risk factor for illness and death. 21,485 people died from alcohol-related causes in 2012. Almost half of violent assaults related to alcohol. Domestic violence and marital breakdown. 27% of serious case reviews mention alcohol misuse. Physical, psychological and behavioural problems for children of parents with alcohol problems.

The annual cost of alcohol-related harm:

Total cost to society: £21bn
  Crime in England: £11bn
  Lost productivity in UK: £7bn
  NHS in England: £3.5bn

Some Drug Facts

2.7 million adults used an illegal drug in the past year. 294,000 heroin and crack users in England. 40% of prisoners have used heroin. 1,200,000 affected by drug addiction in their families – mostly in poor communities. Deaths among heroin users are 10 times the death rate in the general population. Parental drug use is a risk factor in 29% of all serious case reviews. Heroin and crack addiction causes crime and disrupts community safety. A typical heroin user spends around £1,400 per month on drugs (2.5 times the average mortgage). The public value drug treatment because it makes their communities safer and reduces crime. 82% said treatment’s greatest benefit was improved community safety.

The annual cost of drug addiction:

The annual cost of drug addiction £15.4bn.
  Any heroin or crack user not in treatment commits crime costing an average £26,074 a year.
  Every year drug misuse costs the NHS in England £488m.
  Annual cost of looking after drug using parents’ children who have been taken into care is £42.5m.

Support for Sustained Recovery:
Everyone should have access to support that promotes and sustains their recovery.

Intervening early works and saves money: Young people’s drug and alcohol interventions result in £4.3m health savings and £100m crime savings per year. Drug and alcohol interventions can help young people get into education, employment and training, bringing a total lifetime benefit of up to £159m. Every £1 spent on young people’s drug and alcohol interventions brings a benefit of £5-£8.

Every £1 spent on drug treatment saves £2.50 in costs to society. Drug treatment prevents an estimated 4.9m crimes every year. Treatment saves an estimated £960m costs to the public, businesses, criminal justice and the NHS.

The Department of Health state: “Doctors can use their clinical judgment to prescribe any treatment that will benefit their patient, even if it is outside its licensed indication and that an absence of NICE guidance is not an acceptable reason to refuse funding treatment’.

If you would like to improve patient outcomes and reduce treatment costs then please complete the form below and we will contact you shortly:

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